
What is it? Why do it?

pre-commit is installed when running pip install -e '.[dev]'. It’s an industry standard tool that executes a set of tests prior to completing a git commit action. Using pre-commit enables a quick check of your code before it’s committed and checked by GitHub workflows. This cuts down on code feedback time, and allows for faster development. Additional documentation can be found here.

To configure pre-commit for your project, run the following command to register pre-commit hooks with .git/hooks/pre-commit.

pre-commit install

List of pre-commit hooks

The following is a list of pre-commit hooks that will be run each time you commit code locally. The configuration file that defines these hooks is called .pre-commit-config.yaml, you should feel free to update or remove any of these that are not useful for your project.

Pre-commit hooks

Hook name


Check template version

Compare the current local LINCC python project template version against latest remote version and alert user if an update is recommended.

Clear output from Jupyter notebooks

Clear output from Jupyter notebooks to avoid committing large binary files.

Prevent main branch commits

Prevents accidental commits directly to the main (or master) branches.

Check for large files

Prevents committing very large files. The default file size threshold is 500kb and is configurable.

Validate pyproject.toml

Verify pyproject.toml adheres to the required schema to avoid changes that would break the build.

Run isort

Runs isort to sort and organize your python package imports on .py and .pyi files. One can add more file extensions by editing this hook on .pre-commit-config.yaml directly. (Optionally installed when project is created.)

pylint (python files in src/)

Runs pylint to enforce a particular code style on python files in the src/ directory. (Optionally installed when project is created.)

pylint (python files in tests/ and benchmarks/)

Same as above, but for the tests/ and benchmarks/ directory. (Optionally installed when project is created.)

Format code using black

Runs black to enforce a particular code style on .py, .pyi and .ipynb files. One can add more file extensions by editing this hook on .pre-commit-config.yaml directly. (Optionally installed when project is created.)

Lint code using ruff

Runs ruff to enforce a particular code style on .py, .pyi and .ipynb files. One can add more file extensions by editing this hook on .pre-commit-config.yaml directly. (Optionally installed when project is created.)

Format code using ruff

Runs ruff to enforce a particular code style on .py, .pyi and .ipynb files. One can add more file extensions by editing this hook on .pre-commit-config.yaml directly. (Optionally installed when project is created.)


Runs static type checking on python files in the src/ and tests/ directories. (Optionally installed when project is created.)

Run unit tests

Run all unit tests that are discovered by pytest.

Build documentation with Sphinx

Ensures that automatically generated documentation and, optionally, jupyter notebooks can be built successfully.

Many other pre-commit hooks exist, a partial list can be found in the pre-commit documentation.